
Connect to Give utilizes AI to identify potential leaders for CIRCLES. We use publicly available information, including social media data to measure and monitor leadership capabilities.

Willingness to Lead

Behavioral Analysis: AI analyzes patterns of online behavior to identify individuals who demonstrate leadership qualities, such as initiating discussions, organizing events, or mobilizing others to take action. By tracking their online activities and engagement levels, AI can identify potential leaders who are actively involved in their communities and passionate about making a difference.

Positioned to Lead

Network Analysis

AI analyzes social networks to identify individuals who are connected to institutions/organizations and are well-connected within their communities or social circles. Leaders of CIRCLES often have extensive networks and influence, which can be inferred from their connections and interactions on platforms like LinkedIn or Twitter.

Profile Analysis

AI analyzes individuals' social media profiles to identify characteristics associated with leadership, such as organizational affiliations, volunteer experiences, or mentions of past involvement in charitable activities. Additionally, demographic information such as age, location, and profession helps the AI algorithms to identify individuals who are likely to have the time, resources, and motivation to lead a CIRLCE.

Capacity to Lead